My Latest Formula One Rant

Previous rants

More rule changes...grrrr

Boring new drivers


Page of the Month

Make sure you watch the one of Ronster showing The Queen around his "sizable" Kingdom. He looks so proud, and good on him. This man started at the bottom, let's not forget that. He has every reason to be proud.

To view the McLaren website in full, click HERE.

The Teams

FIA web-site This link takes you to the site of the governing body of all motorsport worldwide.
Official F1 site This link takes you to the Official Formula One web-site. If you click HERE you can go directly to the live timing page, so you can see the same as the teams see on the pit wall (helps if your coverage provider are so bad that they won't show the sessions live, like ITV seem to find so hard...).
The British Racing Drivers Club This link takes you to the site for the British Racing Drivers Club.

Recommended sites
This is by far the BEST site I have found for news, featured articles and anything about Formula One. It injects a bit of humor into things from time to time too, soo expect to have your sides hurting after reading some of the articles! You will see some articles as my "Page of the Month" on a regular basis, I am sure!
Formula 1 Rejects
This site is full of interesting articles about the lesser known parts of Formula One. It makes very interesting reading.
Justin Wilsons Yahoo Group
This is the fabulous Yahoo group for Justin Wilson, an up and coming hero of the sport and, in my opinion, the most likely Brit to next become World Champion.

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