ITV-F1s worst presenter! At the start of the 2003 Formula One season, British viewers were promised improved coverage of the sport by ITV. What a crock of poo! This improved coverage had little different from the year before, yet the hype was all about 1 thing: in-car camera views, something we had seen in the sport before (when BBC screened it), before Bernievision (The failed Digital pay-per-view channel) stole the rights to show them. These much over-hyped camera shots seemed to mostly consist of shots of Michael Schumachers' elbows during exciting corners, where most of us would rather have seen the cars subtile fight with grip. What a damn waste of time.

The ITV crew seem to think we are fools! They hyped it up over and over again, yet there was nothing special about the service we recieved. In fact, the whole package got worse!

James Allen has become one of the leading experts in over-hype. Never before have I heard a comentator getting so excited about relatively little, yet missing the important things! This year there have been many times where he has prattled on in his public schoolboy voice about pointless drivel, while my eyes are telling me that there is still excitement left in the sport. I am talking about the times where a driver has been on the ragged edge putting in a hot lap and he has been telling us about some meaningless crap! We can't expect anyone to fill the boots of dear old Murray Walker, but please ITV, get someone who seems to at least notice the REAL action!

And what about the rest of them? Martin Brundle is the only decent presenter they have left. Hope we never lose him, like BRDC have.

That football fanatic who acts as main presenter to the show- Jim Rosenthal (see pic)- shouldn't be presenting this program. He appears to know only what he reads in The Sun, lacking any technical knowledge at all! THIS SPORT IS THE PINACLE OF MOTORSPORT FOR GOD SAKE! The teams spend more money on the technology than most 3rd world nations do on food, surely we deserve a knowledgable presenter who can explain the technology? Would Mr Rosenthal know how to explain twin-keel, diffusers, throttle mapping, or any other details to do with the cars? I think not...

Mark Blundel isn't too bad I guess, if on the dull side. At least he appears to have some knowledge, even if he seems to have questionable herd-following ideas about the crying like the non-F1-understanding people who moan about lack of excitement. Surely as an ex-driver he can see the subtilties between the driving styles; who is early apex, who is late apex. Why doesn't he ever talk about this? And why didn't he stick up for the sport when these non-F1-understanding people cried about the position swapping of the Ferrari drivers?!?! CAN'T ANYONE REMEMBER THAT THIS IS FORMULA ONE, NOT HOLLYWOOD? Surely they realise this is part of the sport! For crying out loud, in the past they even used to give up their CARS for the team leader during a race! Mr Blundull should have stuck up for the sport, being one who should understand...

That other guy too, can't remember his name...the one who used to be a mechanic or something...he should understand too, instead of sitting there telling the non-F1-understanding viewers to think "this is a black day for the sport". I now know where Max Mosleys' (Eminem) "man in the pub" gets all his ideas.

But, anyway...the main reason for this article is to complain about the substandard schedule of the programs. It seems that ITV as a company have no interest in providing us with the coverage we require. Why else would we have such a lack of live coverage? All year there has been delayed coverage, even when Britains latest hopeful (Justin Wilson) had his first session in a competitive car! I had to go to the Official F1 site and watch the live timing page to see how he did! At the season showdown this year we didn't even get ONE qualifying session live! It appears that ITV regards "GMTV for Kids" and "Diggit" higher priority than finding out where things lie going into the last race of what has been one of the most exciting years for a long time. This is disgraceful!!!!! THIS IS THE PINACLE OF MOTORSPORT, THE HIGHEST RATING PULLER WORLDWIDE WITH EXCEPTION OF THE WORLD CUP AND THE OLYMPICS (which don't happen anywhere nearly as often)! Why should I have to turn off the TV and radio for fear of finding out the result before I see the delayed coverage? Why should I have to avoid F1 web-sites and e-mail bulletins like the plague, so I don't spoil the show for myself?

Also, we rarely get the after-race press conferance these days, and when we do it is recorded and edited to a 1min 5.004sec slot, so Coronation Street isn't delayed further. This doesn't happen with Football! For crying out loud, after a Football match, they talk for hours and hours about it, even if it was a dull game!

The rest of the coverage is lacking too. Why do I have to put up with reading in the papers and web-sites about Ralf Schumachers' televised court case (for the first time in history), yet see nothing on TV? Why couldn't they show us the infamous Friday 13th press conference?

Pull your fingers out ITV...we shouldn't have to put up with this. The center of the F1 world is here in Britain, us viewers (which include most of the teams factory workers) deserve much much better...