ITV-F1s worst presenter! The last few seasons have been characterised by rule changes and the resultant chaos which surrounds them. I say chaos because, adapting to the changes only serves to expand the gulf between the top teams and the realisticaly budgeted teams.

As any engineer will tell you, these fantasticaly sophistocated cars have a long lead up before they ever turn a wheel. Teams with a massive budget are able to move at a much faster rate, and therefore progress to a much higher level by the time the changes come into force.

Personaly, I get sick of all of the moaning by people about how Ferrari are making the sport isn't their fault. It's been a cycle of success, increased interest, increased sponsorship, increased resources, increased success and so on. Due to the hard work of the team all of this has been made possible.

What annoys me, is the way that the FIA and chiefly Eminem (Max Mosley), have reacted to the gulf between the haves and have-nots by introducing new rules, new structures for the weekend and all kinds of ideas, which only make the struggle harder for the smaller teams. And these qualifying changes...well...I don't even watch it anymore. I can't be bothered to attempt to keep up with the latest way of deciding the grid! How long before the grid is decided by putting names in a hat?!?!?!?! How long before they decide the winner that way too?!?!??! It's all getting ridiculous.

I love the cars...the level of the technology amazes me. I think it is a shame that innovation is stifled by such tight regulations though. Innovations now are barely obvious to the casual observer! And it is getting worse! I love Formula One to bits, have done for a long time...but I am getting turned off now. It's reports like the one about BARs innovative brake-bias device being banned that annoy me. They thought of something new, something which might help...but they were not allowed to use it. Jeezzz...

I'm looking forward to the new formula on the horizon. The A1 GP series may not be in the same technological class as F1, but at least it doesn't pretend to be something it isn't. Formula One is gradualy turning into what A1 already is, a race between identical cars. Now, the idea of this is great, but it simply isn't F1...F1 is about innovation, technology, extreme limits in all areas....the PINACLE of used to be...

Max...I have one thing to say to you....BLAH!!!