Wierd protrusions on McClaren Today, I shall be divulging my latest aerodynamic theories with you all, with the help of the McClaren car pictured here.

It has two noticable protrusions coming from the airbox, and I have discovered the truth about their significance.

Basicaly, it is all part of the new McClaren "relaxed" attitude. It is a symbol for the team. It is a glimpse into their inner self...

For Kimi the symbology is strikingly obvious. Clearly it is aimed at drawing out the viking inside himself. He will feel an enhanced ability to fight on the battle field, knowing he is paying homage and respect to a strong symbol of his fore-fathers.

Kimi The Barbarian

With Montoya, it again draws its roots from a rich ancestral heritage based on courage, spirit and cunning.

Doing the bull Monty

The team are definately trying to inspire their drivers. What else could this mean? You only have to look to Ron Dennis himself.

Once, Mr Dennis was an intensly serious man. But this season, he has been a lot more, erm, how can I say it...mellow. Fun is in, dull is out. And for the Ronster, the fun side of life is clear for all to see...

Ron rabbit, Ron rabbit, Ron Ron Ron