ITV-F1s worst presenter! This season has seen the departure of one of the most talented drivers, possibly for ever. Jacques Villeneuve has unfortunately been the latest casualty of the current trend in F1 of employing drivers barely out of their prams, while ignoring the vastly talented and experienced drivers.

In recent years we have lost many talented drivers through the same thing...Salo, Irvine, Hakkinen, Herbert, Hill and now we seem destined to lose Villeneuve, Frenzen, McNish, Verstappen, Coultard (after next year?), and naturaly, the one they won't shut up about, Michael Schumacher, all before their time.

First I shall address the age thing. As all F1 enthusiasts know, many drivers have continued to compete successfully in the sport well into their 30's. To name a few...

Andretti (World Champion 1978 aged 38), Ascari (Double World Champion 1953 aged 36), Brabham (Triple World Champion 1966 aged 40), Fangio (5th World Championship 1957 aged 46), Farina (World Champion 1950 aged 44), D Hill (World Champion 1996 aged 35), G Hill (Double World Champion 1968 aged 39), P Hill (World Champion 1961 aged 34) , Lauda (Triple World Champion 1984 aged 35), Mansell (World Champion 1992 aged 39), Piquet (Triple World Champion 1987 aged 35), Prost (4th World Championship 1993 aged 38), Stewart (Triple World Champion 1973 aged 34).

OK, so I mentioned more than a few...Clearly there is a trend though, many of the multiple World Champions continued to win well into their 30's. So why are the older guys having trouble getting drives these days? I can only think of one reason...

Political Correctness

Think about it...when this year did you hear anything non-PC or individualistic come from any of the boy wonders? Montoya is the only newish driver with exclusive control of his speach, the others are puppets! The highest priority of the team bosses seems to be having a driver that appeals to their sponsors. I guess it won't be long until we see David Beckham in an F1 car, all we need is an interested sponsor!

Gone are the days of personalities in F1, almost. If it wasn't for the raw enthusiasm and spirit of Frank Williams, it WOULD be dead! The Williams team are the only team left in the paddock who seem to employ their drivers on talent alone. I mean, look at the other teams. Dull, dull dull. Yes, ALL of the current F1 drivers have talent, but are their any personalities there who you would want to go out for a beer with? Let's imagine it...

You're in the pub. In come all 20 racers. Montoya is taking the piss out of Frenzens shirt. Riakkonen is asleep and being carried by a giggling Panis, who has tied his shoe laces together awaiting his wakening. Alonso is discussing the merits of his latest sponsor with Trulli. Button is trying hard to act like a lad, about as convincingly as Prince Charles at a Rugby club booze up. Heidfeld is comparing beer mat designs. Sato and Firman are playing Bridge. Justin Wilson is winning at darts. Hmmm...sounds like a fun evening, eh? let's imagine some of the old crew...

Villeneuve and Irvine having a punch-up, Coultard winging about the HANS device to an uninterested Michael Schumacher, who is trying to tip over the pool table. Verstappen switching Hills bottle of Bud for a bottle of urine. Hill doesn't notice, because he is busy teaching Frenzen to play Stairway To Heaven on guitar. Salo and Hakkinen pulling down McNishs' trousers as he passes in front of the window...

OK, so I am being a bit far-fetched, but I think I'm making my point. The young crop of current F1 drivers are dull dull dull.

zzzzzzzzzzz...wake me when Raikkonen does something...