Recommended Sites

The Profound Fairshare Unity Sound System This is the site for my good friend Julian Fairshare, for promoting his musical side. He creates Dub music in a truely positive and uplifting manner, which moves your psyche onto another level. One of the finest acts I have ever seen or heard. He used to play regularly at The Belvedere for us. Also, he is a person of true greatness and a friend I am dearly lucky to have. Also see him mentioned HERE.

Pentecostal Jesus Freaks!
This is my good friend Annas' Yahoo! Group for pentecostals, of which I am a moderator of...typical Davey silliness here, as I am actually Agnostic!!!!! It seems strange, but my input to the group kind of works some how, as I put a diferent perspective on things and (sometimes) encourage people to express their faith more strongly. Anna keeps hoping to convert me, but it's more likely that I will become a Brain Surgeon! Hehehe...

The Electric Experience This site is about a band who used to play at the pub I managed in London (see HERE), on Wednesday nights. They organised a jam night, with themselves as the main backing for who-ever came along. The leader, Pete, did a fantastic job organising and promoting the event, which was always interesting. This band are immensely talented and well worth checking out.

Cummin' Up West Indian take-aways This is the site for my favorite West Indian take-away in London. I usually go to the one at New Cross.

Grace Foods While on the subject of food, this site has some great recipies.

The Justin Wilson Yahoo Group
This is a Yahoo! Group dedicated to Justin Wilson, Britains next World Champion Formula One driver, in my opinion anyway!
And, while on the subject of Formula One, this is my favorite site on the subject. You can also see more about Formula one HERE.

Yahoo! Pool
This is my favorite on-line game, Yahoo! Pool. It beats the pants off Pogo and all the other lesser versions.

Get Yahoo Messenger NOW! You can download the latest version of Yahoo! Messenger here. This is by far the best Messenger I have found but, if like my best friend Ray, you have an anchient slow computer, you won't be able to use it....

Wacky B
This site is the most useful site I have ever found for problems with ALL messengers. It has loads of tips, add-ons and general help. Remember I said about downloading the newest version of Yahoo! Messenger being a problem if you had an old computer? Well, on this site there are links for downloading the older, simpler versions too!

Yahoo! Hmmm...I keep mentioning Yahoo! services, so I guess I'd better plug the main site too. Since they joined forces with Google, they have become the joint-best search engine in the world (Must be if even MY sites are listed...hehehe). Yahoo! also offer some fantastic services like, web-based e-mail, groups, games, messenger, maps, exchange rates, travel guides, erm...damn, there are too many to mention here, just check it out for yourself, eh? You won't regret it!

Get Your Stuff Together And talking of problems, this site is the answer to all of your prayers if you are experiencing computer problems.

The Fantasticaly Talented Mango
This site is for the amazingly talented Mango. Her latest exploits are as a TV presenter. Look for the link to her Yahoo! Group, it is always full of postings about what she is up to and links to her latest interviews, usually with Rock bands.

Reggae Club
And while we are on the subject of music, if you like Reggae music, then you will love this site. It contains Downloads of Maltas only Reggae DJ worth mentioning. He has a weekly show and makes the show and archives available for download here. DEFINATELY worth checking out!

My other web-sites

Davey Boys Silly Site II
Davey Boys Silly Site II - Dedicated entirely to humor and desperately in need of closing and re-styling. Lots of funnies here.

Davey Boys Silly Site 3
Davey Boys Silly Site 3 - Pure funnies here and far nicer format than mk2, but less stuff (so far).

I Am Stupid!
Need I say more?

Colchester Reggae Site
My Reggae site, which is close to closing, due to let downs, lack of visitors and disrespectful behaviour of some DJs and venues I have had dealings with (Roots 'n' Culture, Picassos, The Anchor [Maldon], Turbo Daddy)...I hate mentioning names, but what the hey...they ALL deserve kicks in the soft bits for causing me upset, money and most of all...costing me my enthusiasm to offer a free service....(I feel better now...hehehe)

Daveys Downloads My Yahoo! Group, full of useful downloads for web-builders and Yahoo! users.

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