This is a picture of my parents taken after a wedding. As you can probably tell, I am unfortunate enough to have inherited my fathers looks. Thank god I inherited his genitals as well...hehehe.
This is my Grandfather on my mothers side. This man is my hero. This picture was taken about 10 years ago, at a family meal to celebrate his 50 years of marriage to my wonderful Grandmother.
This is my good friend Julian. He is an amazing Roots & Dub DJ. He used to play at the pub I used to manage in London, where we became close friends. His music totaly changed my perception of music and opened up a whole new world to me.
I had actually met him a few years before at a party and I'll never forget it. I met him at the food counter and got chatting. After he had finished eating I offered him a joint and he declined, saying "I don't smoke"...I was dry and about to go to the bar and offered him a drink, which he also declined. I asked him what gets him off if he doesn't drink or smoke, to which he replied "Food and women!" True class. Such a pure man!

This is my friend Rocksteady. We became friends while I was managing The Belvedere. Without the friendship and support of this guy I wouldn't have coped. We used to talk for hours and hours. He was like the uncle/mentor I never had. We are so alike. Like me, he is so good natured that he often gets taken advantage of. Because of this, I like to spoil him when I visit him. He deserves it.
Here he is again. I tried to take him by surprise in this picture...hehehe. In this picture it's more noticable that he is short. I took the above picture sitting on the floor, to make him appear a bit taller...hehehe
Here he is again with his best friend Claudette. She is a lovely lady, a true friend to him. I took these pictures while we were out for the evening in South London in 2002. I can't remember the name of this pub, but it had one of the best pints of Guinness I've ever had!
This is my friend Clive. We also became friends while I was in London. He came to the pub to help us as a painter, while we were refurbishing. He is another friend without whom I wouldn't have been able to cope. He was like a big brother to me. He didn't want me to take this picture, in case you couldn't tell...hehehe

This is my friend Wendy (right). She used to work behind the bar for me at The Belvedere, when we had live music. She used to get up and sing for us all. She has a beautiful voice and is properly trained. This picture was taken at a Morgan Heritage gig this year, where we were lucky enough to meet the band after.

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