This page is dedicated to the memory of Tim Langley (R.I.P. 26th Novermber 2001)

These pictures are recounting our experiences while riding bicycles on and off road.We used to cycle together a lot.He started drawing these pictures in mockery of me, hence me being the subject of them all.

After sending some of these drawings to a cycling magazine, he drew this at their request. They wanted something more in keeping with the theme of mountain biking (we used to blow these lycra-clad morons into the dirt on a regular basis!).

The story behind this is amusing...
One day, while out cycling on my own, I came across the semi-burnt remains of a motorcycle. Realising that most of the parts were still servicable I decided to find a hiding place for it, so I could return later, with tools, to dismantle it. It was at the bottom of a hill, in the middle of a forest and the best hiding place was quite a distance, uphill. The machine was still in gear, but I had no idea at the time how gears worked, so I had to drag it the whole way! It was the middle of summer too!
Again, I became the subject of mockery...

This one was inspired by our tendency to converse with accents like a pimp from an episode of Starsky and Hutch...and I have to confess, I was better at it than him!

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