This shocked me...

I can see what is coming, and it scares me! This is the end of all men! We have been removed from the life cycle! We have surpassed our usefulness (some would say that we had already)! This is the end for Mankind and the beginning of Womankind.

How can I say such things? Why have I such a fear that this science is the nail in the coffin of all men? Well, it is already possible to engineer specific gender which gender baby do you think 2 women would want to bring into this world, eh? If they hate men that much, I doubt they will be wanting to buy cute little blue romper suits and booties! This is it,'s over.
So what is to be gained from this plan to eradicate men? Can there really be any benifits to a world without us hairy butted apes? Well, there are a few I suppose...
  • The Bathroom
    • Toilet seats become integral
    • Tooth-paste lids re-usable
    • Super-strength cleaning products obsolete
  • The Kitchen
    • Super-strength cleaning products obsolete
    • Knives will be used as knives not screw-drivers
    • There will be room in the fridge for food as well as beer

...but, but, but

It can't be all good can it? Surely there must be some benifits to our existance? What would the dangers of a men-less world be...?

  • The world would be engulfed in a plague of creepy-crawlies, such as spiders, insects and other yukky things!
  • Who would skillfuly manage the burnt taste of the food on BBQ days?
  • Mice would gratefully take up residence in non-cat households!
  • Beer sales would plummet, causing the worlds economies to collapse, bringing world wide poverty.
  • Sewage systems would be stretched beyond breaking point by the vast increase in toilet tissue and make-up cleaning products!
  • Transport systems would grind to a halt as vehicals of all colours break-down inexplicably.
But, I still fear for the future. It could happen. Us men may have to fight for our survival. We will have to fight till the last man...but, I must say...I wouldn't mind being one of the last few...

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