So...another Valentines day is upon us. Yet another commercial exercise for the card/gift manufacturers! At least this one has nice intentions, though like most card/gift buying events, it is for some people, not all.

Regular readers of my site will know already, but I get fed up with these card/gift manufacturers thrusting this type of thing on to everybody. In the lead up to events like this, all we see and hear is adverts for the damn thing. I guess Valentines day isn't as bad as C*****mas, but the intention is the same...telling us to spend money, rather than giving us a reason to.

OK, now some of you may think I'm a bit of a grouch for this view, and you could be right. It could stem from the fact that the last Valentines card I recieved was when I was 14 (I think...may have been younger!). Or maybe it could be that I have been single every year since then (except last year, but I still didn't get a Valentines card).

Or maybe I'm just getting bitter in my old age?!?! Maybe I can't stand all the love talk when my life contains no love?!?! Maybe it's because another event has reminded me that I am a single non-father about to turn 30?!?!?

...or all of these things. at Davey Boys Silly Site™ I have decided to mock this event, as with the others...hehehe! Where to start though? Hmmm....

First, I would like to thank all of my ex-girlfriends for helping me to feel bitter and twisted. The hurt you all exposed me to has been invaluable in developing my cynical attitude to love. Some of you wanted to hurt me, some didn't, but the results were the same, so thank you all!

Second, I would like to thank all those people who have found love and enjoy telling everyone how wonderful it is. It makes me want to puke, but your input to my understanding of the love game has been absorbed (I still don't understand it!).

Third, erm....well there is no third, but it makes the page look like it's getting to a point...hehehe!

So SillySiteItes! What shall we do this Valentines day? Here are some ideas....

This is a great Valentines gift for someone you don't like. You could send it to your boss, or even an ex! It's billed as the "Talking Pervert", so I'm sure you would be able ot raise some eyebrows...hehehe.

You would be best off sending it from a name which sounds flirty, so as to help ruin any relationship they might currently be in...hehehe.

Click here to see more.

Or how about this idea? This is a "Trash Talker" doll. Yet another fantastic idea. Imagine sending this to someone you don't like from a name like "Smoochie Buns"! Im sure you can imagine loads of ways to create mayhem by sending gifts like these. Imagine their wifes/husbands/girl/boyfriends reaction to them recieving a gift like this!?!?!?

Hehe...more here.

Or you could always send someone you really like a Valentines card and be boring....hehe. Try this site for some really romantic musical e-card: Beat Greets.

And before everyone gets the wrong impression about me, I love love. Love is the only language which transgresses all cultures. My moto is "One world, one people, one love" for this very reason. I do have love, though it's reserved purely for my close friends. But I HATE love too, as it hurts me more than anything. Am I confused? You bet! Argh...hehehe

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