This page contains transcripts from e-mails between myself and T-Mobile concerning problems I had been having with their (sub-standard) service. I filled out a form on their web-site, as the call centre is frustrating to deal with, and appears to solve nothing. My problems were:

1:My phones e-mail address wasn't working and people were not recieving any automated reply telling them that, so they presumed I was ignoring them.
2:Since "one 2 one" became "T-Moblie" I had been recieving countless junk text messages.
3:I had been getting fed up with endless adverts and a long wait to hear my balance when calling the 150 number.

You may find these amusing as well as enlightening...

From Mon Apr 28 03:24:26 2003
Subject: Re: Account-specific Enquiry [#396680]

Dear Mr Lewis

Thank you for your email.

We are sorry to learn that you are disappointed with the service provided by T-Mobile.

Please be aware that you will not receive emails if they are directed to ***********

The correct email address is ***********

This information is available on our website at under Phones and Services.

To find out your account balance all you have to do is dial 150 and select option 1. The automated service will advise you of your remaining credit. Their will not be any delay if you select this option.

In connection with receiving text messages on your T-Mobile phone.

We have been made aware recently that a number of our customers are receiving promotional text messages from third party companies.

These text messages highlight that you have won a prize and to call a premium rate number.

We can confirm that these messages were not sent directly from T-Mobile and if you choose to call the premium rate number, you do so at your own risk.

You are able to write to the Telephone Preference Agency to request that your mobile number be removed from any mailing list at:

[ I have left this part out, as it isn't particularly relevent ]

If you no longer wish to receive promotional text messages or mail shots from T-Mobile, please confirm your account password and we'll be happy to help.

Although we have been able to assist on this occasion, may we remind you to quote your name and password if you have any account enquiries in the future. This will allow us access to your account whilst ensuring we comply with our Privacy Policy.

If you require further help, please contact us via our website at


Customer Services

And this was my reply...

Firstly I would like to say that the fact that I wasn't consulted about the change to my e-mail address is despicable. In case anyone hasn't noticed, I actually give money to T-mobile...this makes me a customer, I believe...something T-mobile seems to overlook. I pay for the service,you are not a charity! By changing my e-mail address without consultation you have deprived me of some very important e-mails...and the annoying thing is, that the senders recieved no automated response telling them that their e-mail didn't get through. I was under the impression that due to the multi-national status of T-mobile in the mobile phone industry, they actually had some experience in the field of communications. I guess I was wrong.

The answer to everything seems to be "it is on our web-site"...well, I visited the site for the 1st time to fill out the form that started this...I felt I had to do this, as the call center is very frustrating to deal with, and previous dealings have been unrewarding....I have no other interest in the web-site, and have never had any interest. I bought a phone, pay T-mobile so I can use it, that's all I want to do.

As for the issue of the junk texts...if T-mobile are going to pass on the phone numbers of their customers to a third party (and there is no way in the world you can deny that there is a connection between the take-over and the sudden influx of these messages to me and everyone else) , how can they have the bald cheek to absolve themselves from blame...I won't be writing to anyone about this, other than T-mobile, as T-mobile are the source of this problem, and I have never had any dealings with the companies you deem responsible. If I have to research and contact the managing director of the company, I will.

I think that somebody in the marketing department needs a wake-up call. If they believe that they can gain more business by the frustrating messages on the 150 number, then they have been sitting too close to some over-head power lines...this is one of the things that has disappointed me more than anything else since one2one became T-mobile...The main reason I and 90% of your customers (notice, I used that "customer" word again...look it up in the dictionary if you are unsure what it means) call the 150 number is to find out how much (or little, should I say, judging by the over-pricing policy in the UK) credit remains on their account....not to hear about things that 1% might be interested in....

The password I had with one2one was ***...I presume that this is the same with T-mobile...although, I also presumed that I had an e-mail address...and I also presumed that my phone number details were confidential...and I also presumed that T-mobile wanted customers to be satisfied....

I am also going to presume (probably mistakenly) that T-mobile wishes to keep my custom for the moment...although I am begining to consider my other options. As soon as I am 100% certain that T-mobiles deficiency in these many areas signifies their disinterest in keeping customers, I shall be looking elsewhere for alternative companies to give money to, and shall urge other T-mobile customers, via my web-sites, to do the same.


I think I made my feelings clear, don't you? Check out what I recieved next...

Dear Mr Lewis

Thank you for your further email.

May we rectify a point in our previous email.

Existing customers who had an email address which ended have not had their email address changed.

Only new T-Mobile customers now have an email address which ends with

We apologise for our previous email and apologise for any confusion on our part.

If you are still having problems with your mobile email then could you please provide further information so that we can diagnose what the exact problem is.

We would appreciate it if you could answer the following questions.

Can you send mobile emails?

Can you receive emails?

If you cannot send what error message are you receiving?

Thank you for your co-operation. We look forward for your reply so that we can offer a speedy resolution.

In connection with your comments about T-Mobile passing your details on, may we assure you that we do not pass any of our customers details on. As for this happening since the rebrand to T-Mobile may we assure you that changing to T-Mobile was a rebrand and not a takeover and this has no bearing on this issue at all.

To make the customer experience more enjoyable and to give the customer greater control, T-Mobile have now made sure that our Pay as You Go customers can now receive all the information they need or to credit their account via the automated system.

If the customer has difficulty crediting their account then the automated service ( IVR ) will recognise this and transfer the customer to an advisor.

If you wish to speak to a customer services advisor about something you feel is not covered on the IVR ( ie a complaint ) then please contact us by dialling 0845 412 5000 from a landline. Please note calls are charged at a local rate.

We trust this information is of assistance.

May we confirm that your password is ***.

If you require further help, please contact us via our website at


Customer Services

So, now he is telling me that my e-mail address should be as it was originaly ( *********** ! But, still they deny any connection with the junk texts...and still no sensible solution offered for the frustrating wait to find out my balance when calling 150.
For those of you unaware of the way it used to be, the message you used to hear was "Welcome to one 2 one. Your total balance is now # pounds and # pence. To (blah blah blah) press 1, to (blah blah blah) press 2..." etc. After the re-branding (I thought it was a take-over, but I had never recieved any information about the name change, so what would I know?) it became "Welcome to T-Mobile...(blah blah blah blah blah advert advert advert etc until eventually...) your total balance is..."etc

And so, I had this to say...

Sending works...recieving, as I already indicacted, does not work. It is incalculable how many I have missed, as senders are not recieving an error message, so feel no need to contact me by other means. I have tested this and know it to be true. Try for yourself. You won't disturb me,that I am certain of !

I have not tried to send to the T-mobile address yet from my PC, but the e-mails sent from my phone are showing @t-mobile etc upon delivery. If e-mails need to be sent to the t-mobile address, it is useless to me, as nobody is aware of the t-mobile address, and my web-sites have the one2one address on them, hence my anger.

I spent a lot of time creating a specific box-size e-mail form, which is now rendered useless. It is on 5 sites, in many places, and I have no desire to bury my head in the code again on each page to change it.

As I am an old one2one customer, I fail to see the reason for any change to my address under the system you describe.

If my memory serves me correctly, your previous e-mail indicated it would have been, and here you state I have no idea which of these showed up on the e-mail I sent to test it, which I have since deleted. I'm getting fed up with sending test e-mails too, so have no desire to find out anymore, especially as you now say it should be anyway.

The junk texts...well, I have not given my number to any companies who deal in any such business, only personal friends, so fail to see where else the information has come from to enable them to contact me at all. I never recieved anything like that before, only since the start of this year, which was also around the time I began to experience problems.

My previous problem was replying to recieved e-mails. The new address issue had not surfaced then.

I find it very frustrating having to keep contacting the call center. While it is nice to get back any credit lost, the time it takes makes it hardly worth while and I am a busy man, so I accepted the fact that there were temporary problems, and stopped sending from my phone and used alternative methods. Now I am not recieving, so the facility is a complete waste of time. I am considering taking morse code lessons. Ham radio is free, after all !


Again, I feel I have explained the problems and high-lighted the issues in an understandable way...but it appears that Craig is no longer able or willing to help anymore, so my problem gets passed on to someone new. What does Alan have to say...?

Dear Mr Lewis

Thank you for your email about the mobile email service.

We are sorry to hear you are still having difficulties receiving emails. We think the following information may help.

Since 25 February 2003 the T-Mobile email service has been simplified.

The new service means you no longer need an additional mobile email mailbox, as your emails are automatically forwarded to the mailbox of your choice.

Your email address remains unchanged and you can still send and reply to emails by sending a text message to 191. You are still sent text message notifications from 191 when an email is received.

Your mobile email mailbox facility with the web and WAP sites has now been discontinued. As a result of this you no longer have the option to access mobile email from the t-zones WAP service or the T-Mobile website. Therefore any emails you have not previously forwarded to your chosen mailbox will now be lost.

To set up a forwarding address for your emails please follow the steps below:

1. Go to and log in to "My Services." 3. Enter the email address for automatic forwarding to your home or business email address.
4. Click on "update settings."

If you do not have an email address to forward your emails to, you can register with t-email for free by following the procedure below:

1. Log on to
2. Click on "register now."
3. Select a "username" and "password" for your new t-email account.
4. Read the terms and conditions and click on "accept" if you accept them.
5. You can then register your mobile number (to receive text alerts) and a password hint.

Please note, the charges for sending mobile email messages are still 10p per 160 characters. The charge for receiving notifications by text message also remains unchanged.

Thank you for taking the time to email us.

We have added a note to your account with the details of your email.

For further information about mobile email please visit our website at

If you require further help, please contact us via our website at


Customer Services
T-Mobile it just me, or does this appear that Alan hasn't even read my previous e-mails, and has decided to send a standard pre-written e-mail? It appears that they are hoping to bore me to death to stop me complaining...foolish mortals !

Is this telling me that no matter what I do, no longer will my phone beep and an e-mail be waiting there for me to read?!?!??!

I want my phone e-mails forwarded to my phone, not to some damn mailbox...what is the point in that?!?!? MY PHONE IS TRANSPORTABLE, MY PC ISN'T !

If I have to get home and log onto www.t-mobile etc in order to read my e-mails, then it is a total waste of time.

My phone USED to recieve e-mails, I see no reason why you are denying me this facility now.

I want some answers and solutions now please, or as soon as my credit runs out I will be switching to a diferent network, and launching an advertising campaign on my web-sites urging others to do the same.

This has gone beyond a joke. NONE of my problems have been solved since this began. I am STILL recieving junk text messages from t-mobile. I STILL don't recieve e-mails on my phone...what am I paying money for this for?!?!!?!? This is 2003, yet T-mobile are unable to restore my services to 2002 spec! Is this devolution?!?!!? What is T-mobiles plan for the next generation phones....paper cups and string??!?!?!?


This is the banner advert I made, and I was in the process of creating a web-page with links to the sign-up pages with O2, Orange, VodaFone and Virgin Mobile.

And so, now it's Mikes turn to send a standard pre-written e-mail. I'm sure I've seen this somewhere before....Alan? You two been confering? Obviously not!

Dear Mr Lewis

Thank you for your further email about the mobile email service.

We are sorry to hear you are still having difficulties receiving emails. We think the following information may help.

Since 25 February 2003 the T-Mobile email service has been simplified. All mobile email customers were notified by email to their phone to advise them of the changes and to call Customer Services or visit the website for further information.

The new service means you no longer need an additional mobile email mailbox, as your emails are automatically forwarded to the mailbox of your choice.

Your email address is now, your mobile number and you can still send and reply to emails by sending a text message to 191.

You can also receive emails and notifications from 191 when an email is received. So that this can happen you must sign up to "My Services" on the T-Mobile website at

Your mobile email mailbox facility with the web and WAP sites has now been discontinued. As a result of this you no longer have the option to access mobile email from the t-zones WAP service or the T-Mobile website. Therefore any emails you have not previously forwarded to your phone or your chosen mailbox will now be lost.

To set up a forwarding address for your emails please follow the steps below:

1. Go to and log in to "My Services."
2. On the mobile email page you can add up to three aliases and set the number of notifications for emails received.
3. Enter the email address for automatic forwarding to your home or business email address.
4. Click on "update settings."

If you do not have an email address to forward your emails to, you can register with t-email for free by following the procedure below:

1. Log on to
2. Click on "register now."
3. Select a "username" and "password" for your new t-email account.
4. Read the terms and conditions and click on "accept" if you accept them.
5. You can then register your mobile number (to receive text alerts) and a password hint.

Please note, the charges for sending mobile email messages are still 10p per 160 characters. The charge for receiving notifications by text message also remains unchanged.

With reference to the issue of junk mail to your phone, you are able to write to the Telephone Preference Agency to request that your mobile number be removed from any mailing list at:

[ I have left this part out, as it isn't particularly relevent ]

If you no longer wish to receive promotional text messages or mail shots from T-Mobile, please confirm your account password and we'll be happy to help.

Thank you for taking the time to email us.

We have added a note to your account with the details of your email.

For further information about mobile email please visit our website at

If you require further help, please contact us via our website at


Customer Services

And so...they wear suits, drive Volkswagen Golfs, play squash...and yet they are unable to think for themselves, and unable to read the e-mail they are supposed to be formulating a reply to and solving the problems that sparked the communications in the first place! I think they drink far too much hot-chocolate! Time to try again to wake someone up...

I shall procede with liberal cranial massionary colisions...these "here's one I made earlier" e-mails responding to my problem are getting frustrating. It seems I need to restate the objectives...

1:An answer to why the e-mail address *********** is no longer forwarding e-mails to my mobile phone, and when it is going to be restored.

2:An answer as to why I am still receiving junk text messages from T-Mobile...such as this one recieved on 1st of May at 7pm "Now where ever you travel, you'll know exactly what your calls cost. How? Easy. We've split the world into 5 zones. More details at". I was asked to provide my password, which I did (***), yet still I get this rubbish.

Also may I establish the following.

1:I don't want to trawl through the t-mobile web-site.

2:I don't want the endless tedium of attempting to contact the call center, only to solve nothing in the end.

3:I DO want some accurate, concise, understandable and relevent information regarding solutions to these problems.

Now where did I leave my paper cups and string...?


I think that made it clear enough, don't you? What does Guy have to say to that?

Dear Mr Davey [ Mr Davey ?!?!?!? They have my name and address on file, as I registered with them when I 1st got the phone! ]

Thank you for your further email.

Although we have provided all the information required in our previous emails to you, we shall reiterate the following points again:

- You are unable to receive emails directly on your phone unless you access our website in order to change the email settings. We must stress that we are unable to reset these for you.

- We have already confirmed that no further information is being sent from T-Mobile. To remove your name from any other companies mailing lists, you will need to contact the Telephone Preference Service as previously advised. We have also provided you with the address of the correct governing body that deals with infringements on this (ICTIS).

If, as you state in your email, you are unwilling to contact Customer Services directly or locate and access the information yourself from our website, then we are unable to provide any further assistance.

May we finally express our understanding of your disappointment and frustration in relation to these matters. However, T-Mobile feel that we have exhausted all avenues open to us in our attempts to answer your queries and therefore stress that we are unable to be of any further assistance in this matter.


Customer Services

After I recieved this my e-mail address was restored to *********** and the lengthy messages on the 150 number disappeared.

What really got me about this reply is the way he said "We have already confirmed that no further information is being sent from T-Mobile." , yet the one I had quoted contained "More details at" ! Also he said "You are unable to receive e-mails directly on your phone unless you access our website in order to change the email settings. We must stress that we are unable to reset these for you." , yet my service was restored without me going to their site !

The most incredible thing about all this is the way they keep urging me to change the settings on the T-Mobile site, yet I had never done anything to STOP my old e-mail address from working !

It has now been 2 months since these e-mails began and I have not recieved a single junk, eh? The 150 number tells me "Welcome to T-Mobile, your total balance is..." etc, another co-incidence? Also, the *********** address continues to work. So the statement " we are unable to be of any further assistance in this matter." is stupid, as all of my problems have been solved, yet the fat arsed suit wearers seem to think other-wise !

Thank god that there are server engineers out there and that these morons (Yes, I mean you Craig, Alan, Mike and Guy) are just shut in a room drinking hot-chocolate, selecting standard response e-mails, scratching their arses and talking about the CD players in their Volkswagen Golfs...


There has been a new development. T-Mobile have now decided that the way to lose their customers is to sell their e-mail address to spam companies. Again they have demonstated not only their total disrespect for their customers, but that they have very stupid people working for them. In light of the fact that they have my postal address and an e-mail address of mine which ends in "", don't you think that they would have enough brains to sell my e-mail address to a British company?


Their dipshit department obviously handle me, as the spam I recieved the other day was in connection with a special offer...for USA customers! Again I am amazed and shocked at their lack of intelligence.

I have now decided to put my anti-T-Mobile advertising program into full gear. Soon to come is a page dedicated to transfering from T-Mobile to all other UK phone companies. Detail will follow soon...


I am not going to urge any of you to join Orange now, as they are just as bad. I filled out an inquirey form on their web-site, as I needed the direct link to their sign up page. Their response was to send me this text:

"From:+447973****** ; Thank you for your recent e-mail.Please call 09067****** to talk to the webmaster. SENT 07/09/03 17:38".

When I called this number, I was imediately informed that it was a 50p/min number by the call centre operator (good man!). Notice how the text message neglects to mention what it is about, or who it is from! The man at the call centre said he couldn't circumnavigate the call charge, and couldn't help me with my inquirey either, as neither of us had a clue what it was regarding. Is this their best effort? Do they really want people to switch to them? Is this how they intice new customers? What goes through the minds of their marketing department? After the call I went back to their web-site and filled in another form. This time I put "no chance" in the phone number boxes and this is what I had to say on the subject:

"I sent an inquirey a while back, as I am building a web-page aimed at helping dissatisfied T-Mobile users switch networks. I WAS going to put a link to Orange on there, along with all of the other SPs, but I am not going to now. The reason is because I didn't expect to receive a text message asking me to call a 50p/min number, with no explination as to why. It didn't even say it was from Orange! I had to call to find out. As it is clear that Orange are as disreputable as T-Mobile, I shall not be pointing any customers in your direction. In fact, I shall be including my experience with Orange on the web-site also. You have blown it. How do you expect to gain customers if you are going to trick them into calling 50p/min numbers? What kind of marketing technique is that? Bye bye Orange! I shall now include the transcript from the text message to help you figure out who was stupid enough to make this mistake.

"From:+447973****** ; Thank you for your recent e-mail.Please call 09067****** to talk to the webmaster. SENT 07/09/03 17:38"

This e-mail will be included on the site."

I wonder what they will have to say about this incident...

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