BEN-DUH - An epic film from Davey Boys Silly Site
The new film from

Davey Boys Silly Site™ MMIV.AD

An epic tale of biblical proportions


Judah Ben-Duh lives as a rich Jewish ponce and merchant in Jerusillyem at the beginning of the 1st century. Together with the new governor, his old friend Messillia arrives as lead guitar player of the Roman legends (a rock band).
At first they are happy to meet after a long time but their different musical views separate them. During the welcome carnaval a rotten egg falls down from Judah's house and barely misses the governor. Although Messillia knows that they are not guilty he sends Judah to the valleys and throws his mother and sister into S-Club VII.
But Judah swears to come back and take revenge.....

BEN DUH - An epic film from Davey Boys Silly Site

Davey as Ben-Duh.

His award winning acting skills take him to a new level in this magnificent film. His immense talent has not been allowed to express itself to the full until this film.

Ben-Duh preview Premier dates have yet to be announced. It is expected to break all box office records and is due to go on sale in Video and DVD formats at the same time as the film is released to general circulation world-wide. The two versions (big screen and home) have differing but complimentary plots and different music/dance scenes to ensure success both in cinemas and homes across the world.

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