These are new pics from my last visit to see Rocksteady in London, February. Here he is with his best friend Claudette. He took us to a pub and as usual, I can't remember the name of it...hehehe. Below is a pic of the guy who runs it.

He was great and played us some sweet tunes.

This is one of the ladies who works behind the bar. Her name is Michelle and she used to work for me at The Belvedere, but she didn't recognise me at all. You see, my appearance has changed somewhat. Now my hair is short again, and I rarely wear glasses.

Here I am with her. Once she had finaly realised who I was, she was so please I was there. I think she used to have a crush on me...hehe. She kept telling everyone who came in that I was her old boss! I got introduced to loads of people, I'll never remember any of them I'm sure. Booze and memories don't work
Here is a picture of Claudette on her own. Isn't she cute? ;)

This is our family dog. Her name is Jess, but I call her Jessica most of the time because it kinda suits her. Look at that face...could you say no to that?

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