OK, now these are 3 of the faces I saw at 11pm on the last day of 2003. From the left: my uncle Jonny from Australia, my father and my grandfather. As you can see, they are a miserable looking bunch! When I walked into the room the music was down low and there was dull conversation going on, argh!!
Now this is me joining them (right). As usual, I am smiling and ready to act silly. I have in my hand a bottle of Reef, a Vodka based orange and passion fruit flavored alco-pop. This was my last resort, as they had run out of my favorite drink in the off-licence (Guinness Foreign Extra Stout).

This is my mother (whos Birthday is new years day!!) and my uncle Jonny again. As you can see, she is a smiler too, and she was ready to be fun, but was stifled until I managed to liven everyone up a little.

Cue Davey and his silly faces!
One of my favorite things to do if I am drunk and someone has a camera is to make silly faces, as you can see!

Now my mum is having fun. She has finaly taken charge of things and turned the music up, and chosen her favorite music to dance to, the Bee Gees. Is it possible for Davey to be in a room with Bee Gees music on WITHOUT being silly? Erm....what do you think?
Hmmm...there is something missing from this impersination of the Bee Gees...what is it...? Hmmmm...I KNOW!!!!

The TEETH!!!!!

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